5 Sports Or Exercises That Can Be Done At Home
Sports and exercise lovers are going through a very difficult time due to the pandemic, as they must follow safety and social distancing protocols for the good of the community. Even so, some sports and activities can be practiced from the comfort of your home, to be able to distract ourselves and stay active:
Due to the downtime, we are living in, your body needs to be in motion and activated, cardio exercises may be the perfect option to achieve this. You can do burpees, these are simple, comfortable, and effective for the body.
Hula hoops hula
Yes, although it is a game for children you can take advantage of it since the ring rotates at your waist and helps to stimulate reflexes and to tone the abdomen area.
Leg training
Never make the mistake of forgetting to work your legs with exercises. Leg workouts are not time-consuming and can be combined with other types of sports. So you would be working in several zones at the same time. You can exercise with a kettlebell or with weights, but if you do not have one, you can try boxes or improvised weights with backpacks full of books or other objects that increase weight.
Trot in static
For fans of jogging or running sessions, they can follow their healthy habit and favorite hobby simply while at home. With the static trot, you will do something similar to a jogging race, the only difference is that you will be in the same position while lifting your legs and arms.
In this case, this system of physical exercises uses your same body weight to work different muscle areas of the body. With the simple objective of gaining strength and toning the body. Although they are exercise routines, many consider calisthenics as just another sport.